100 authors, 100 films

Dutch Literature Museum, The Hague (NL), 2010

In the Pantheon at the Dutch Literature Museum, the 100 most important Dutch-language authors come to life in a unique audiovisual project.

100 films, one experience

One hundred films play on 100 screens, each with a different story to tell, all linked by one continuous animation. The screens make up a single overall experience, but each features its own standalone story. Visitors can listen to a brief introduction to each author on an earphone.

“A hundred writers have their own individual audiovisual screens (…) always informative and punchy.”

Marita Mathijsen, NRC — 13 March 2010


Dutch Literature Museum

Spatial & Graphic Design
OPERA Amsterdam

Content Design Film
Studio Louter

Film Production
Studio Louter

Audio Production
The Missing Sync



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