Interactive film ‘Under Fire’

Royal Dutch Army Museum, Delft (NL), 2006 

An interactive film let museumgoers decide how the Dutch UN peacekeeping mission in Bosnia would play out. What choices confront politicians, officers and soldiers on a UN mission?

The lesser of two evils

‘Under Fire’ let visitors experience first-hand how people are often forced to choose between two evils in times of crisis. With each dilemma the soldiers encountered, the viewer was forced to make a choice, changing the course of history again and again. The point of view also kept shifting.

What would you do?

Visitors can step into a soldier’s shoes, then an officer’s, then an official’s. Should I send Dutch troops to Bosnia to help restore peace? Should I help a wounded Bosnian in an area that doesn’t fall under the UN mandate? Should I prioritise my own troops’ safety? What would you do? The 3D multiplayer application featured a dramatic mix of acted scenes and archival images.

“Authentic and heavy.”

Noël van Bemmel, de Volkskrant  — 15 December 2006


Royal Dutch Army Museum

Content Design
Studio Louter

Spatial & Graphic Design
Helder & Extravert

Film & Interactive Media Production
Studio Louter
Ben van der Meijden

Audio Production
Marcel Warnas



Raymond Thiery
Paul van der Laan
Aart Ceelen


US International Film and Video Festival 2008
Certificate | Educational: Presentations Created For: Museums